Our Core Values

We have no doubt that staying true to our core values in all that we do is critical for providing the outstanding service that our clients deserve. In fact, our values are why Century Associates was founded in the first place. Below are our core values and a bit about why they are important to us:

Client focus - Putting our clients at the centre of our work with the utmost integrity at all times is the way that we ensure to make our clients feel respected and supported, building the trusting professional relationships that are essential to our service.

Empowerment - We are founded on the belief that feeling empowered to fulfill our potential and to excel in our areas of expertise is the way that we can truly provide the best service to our clients and build the most genuine connections.

Nurturing relationships - As Daylight, Sunlight and Rights of Light surveyors, we work with an array of other professionals and a variety of clients, ranging from individual property owners to multinational real estate companies. Nurturing these relationships requires excellent interpersonal skills, care and attention, all of which are critically important to us and at the forefront of our approach.

Teamwork - We are a small company, so teamwork is more important than ever for us. We are all about respecting and caring about the wellbeing of our colleagues, which is why we work so well together. We also know the importance of teamwork with our clients and other professionals.

Unique service - Our in-house consultancy service is our unique selling point (USP) and we are thrilled to be able use our experience in this kind of role. We know the importance of having a USP in setting us apart from others and truly feel that we offer this in providing the in-house service to our developer clients.

Responsiveness - Our clients expect us to respond quickly and efficiently to their requirements and our small company size allows us to do so. We give a lot of time to our clients and this enables us to be present and adaptable to their needs.

Your friendly surveyors - At Century Associates, we are professional, honest and strive to be personable in all that we do.

We are regulated by the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS), which is the professional body that we are responsible to in upholding ethical standards throughout our service. For us it is not only about ethical standards for our work, though, but also about maintaining our personal moral principles in all aspects of our lives.

Please do not hesitate to contact us at enquiries@century-associates.co.uk, or on 07554 939 187, for advice.


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